Recent months have changed the world around us.

Among other things, the Australian giant Atlassian has announced changes in the licensing of its server products. The changes will undoubtedly affect the entire IT market, software and plug-in manufacturers.

However, big changes and the current situation can also inspire. A good example is the QA Craft for Jira, a tool for testing in Jira, which the manufacturer has been developing very strongly and consistently over the last few months of the pandemic.

QA Craft for Jira 4.0 is a complete enterprise test management tool. The manufacturer of the plug-in has optimized its engine. Which at the moment allows it to work with tests consisting of thousands of test cases, arranged in transparent structures not limited to one Jira project. The structure of these tests can be freely spread out across the entire Jira, reaching out to requirements and reporting bugs to multiple projects, without losing the transparency of reporting and ease of test management.

How the scale of the enterprise looks like, according to statistics collected from customers who have already implemented QA Craft for Jira 4.0, looks like in numbers:

  • number of Test Cases in one structure (one Test Plan) – 1500
  • number of bugs reported in one structure – 500
  • number of Test Cases (total) 50-75 thousand

Every facility in QA Craft for Jira 4.0 – Test Plan, Test Suite, Test Case and Test Result are typical Jira issues.  This gives you the ability to perform standard Jira operations (cloning, moving, bulk type changes), search, create filters and dashboards.

The latest version of the plugin supports both manual and automation tests and every combination of them. It supports the process of test case evolution from manual to automation.  In version 4.0 QA Craft Automation API has been extended to allow even more freedom of interaction with automation tests. 

This gave the tester, who has no idea about test automation, the possibility to build any configuration of automation tests, plan their execution at any time and obtain their results in two levels of detail – simple and advanced. 

QA Craft for Jira 4.0 does not prescribe any automation test design technology. Customers who have implemented this version successfully integrate the plug with testing web, desktop or mobile applications on physical devices

The reporting module was expanded in the QA Craft for Jira 4.0 version. In addition to standard metrics, the possibility of detailed reporting of test coverage has been added. Clear, compact version of the traceability matrix, charts showing the execution of test cases and reported bugs from the perspective of requirements and their priorities. The tool also introduced improvements to the user interface, which made the use of the plugin even more intuitive.

What was the main thrust of these changes? The structure management in the cloning functions of the repositories and structure importers from XML and XLS files was unified. 

Other and very important changes were the addition of a license management module in the “by Vendor” sales model and the extension of the “Test Automation Parameters” tab with additional fields, which finally made it even easier to integrate the plugin with automation tests. We also know from the plugin manufacturer – Rivet Group – that the Data Center plugin is currently being completed and QA Craft for Jira 4.0 will soon appear on Atlassian Marketplace and will be a very strong competitor to other currently popular Jira testing plug-ins.

After the changes introduced by the QA Craft for Jira team over the last few months, you can see how strongly the plugin has been developed. 

No new functionalities have been introduced, but the ones where the creators of the tool care most about automation, requirements, structure management and reporting, as well as performance, which was the strong point of the tool from the very beginning, have been expanded. 

More about QA Craft for Jira 4.0 on: